Secure Your iOS App Like a Pro: Top 7 Risks You Most Likely Overlook

Critical Security Vulnerabilities That Could Be Hiding in Your iOS App

Brahim Siempay
3 min readSep 10, 2024
Photo by PiggyBank on Unsplash

Even the most skilled iOS developers can fall into the trap of prioritizing features and design over security. Yet, leaving critical vulnerabilities unchecked can compromise both your app and its users. From mishandling sensitive data to neglecting proper input validation, there are risks that many developers don’t realize they’re overlooking. In this article I will highlight the top seven security risks you’re most likely to miss — and how to address them like a true pro will be coming in future articles. Don’t forget to follow for more.

The Underestimated Importance of HTTPS and App Transport Security

Many developers assume their app is secure if it simply communicates over HTTPS, but App Transport Security (ATS) enforces additional security standards like requiring SSL certificates that meet certain criteria. Skipping ATS or adding too many exceptions can leave your app vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks, compromising user data. Always review ATS configurations to make sure your app’s connections are fully secure.

Source: Apple Developer Documentation

The Hidden Risk of Insecure Data Storage

A common mistake developers make is storing sensitive data, like API tokens or user credentials, in UserDefaults. What most don’t realize is that UserDefaults is not encrypted, making it a potential target for attackers. Instead, sensitive data should always be stored in the iOS Keychain, which is designed to store data securely with encryption, even across app restarts.

Source: iOS Security Guide, Apple

The Overlooked Need for Secure Backups

Most developers don’t consider how their app data is handled during backups. By default, data stored in Documents or Cache directories may be included in iCloud backups, potentially exposing sensitive information. Use NSFileProtection to encrypt files on disk, and set the appropriate flags to ensure sensitive data isn’t backed up to iCloud unless it’s necessary for the user.

Source: iOS Security White Paper, Apple

The Overlooked Threat of Jailbroken Devices

Jailbroken devices pose a security risk for your app that often goes unnoticed. By bypassing iOS’s built-in security, these devices can compromise data stored in your app or bypass in-app purchases. Detecting if your app is running on a jailbroken device and limiting its functionality in such cases can prevent many security vulnerabilities from being exploited.

Source: OWASP Mobile Security Project

The Silent Danger of Hard-Coding API Keys

Hard-coding API keys directly into your app’s code may seem convenient, but it’s a major security flaw. When you hard-code keys, they can be easily extracted from your app’s binary by attackers. Instead, use secure methods like storing keys in the Keychain or fetching them dynamically from a secure server, where you can rotate them as needed for added security.

Source: OWASP Mobile Security Guide

The Hidden Vulnerability of Insufficient Input Validation

Even though iOS apps are generally considered secure, attackers can still exploit poorly validated inputs. If your app interacts with APIs or user-generated content, failing to properly validate inputs (like rejecting malformed URLs or restricting field lengths) can open your app to injection attacks. Always sanitize and validate user input on both the client and server sides to avoid this vulnerability.

Source: Apple Developer Documentation

The Risk of Over-Exposing App Permissions

Granting too many permissions to an app — such as access to photos, location, or contacts — without clear purpose not only annoys users but opens potential privacy risks. Many users don’t realize this, but improperly requested permissions can also flag your app for rejection during the App Store review process. Always follow the least privilege principle, requesting only the permissions your app absolutely needs to function.

Source: App Store Review Guidelines


Securing your app doesn’t stop at flawless design and smooth functionality; it requires a vigilant approach to identifying and resolving hidden security risks. By taking the time to address these seven often-overlooked vulnerabilities, you can elevate your app’s security to a professional level. Don’t let these silent threats undermine your hard work — secure your iOS app like a pro and give your users the protection they deserve.

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